Monday, April 7, 2008

A Child's Voice

I have recently entered into a commitment with myself. I was approached to do a website for Naiomi Almeida Park. The one they have currently is gross to say the least, this is coming at a great time because I am feeling quite the activist as of late. Not to mention I have big plans for this particular project...all of which I plan to discuss with the CEO and founder of the Naiomi Almeida Park group currently on Facebook and The webpage portion is the easy stuff, a great way to use up some stewing creative juices currently but at the same time I have dreamt large and it's not even my charity. The Naiomi Foundation is where I see this dream heading. A charity organized to create awareness about violence against children in all of it's forms. Where fundraising projects are aimed at creating safe places for children to go and play such as parks, rec centers and maybe even camps.

Lobbying to change our laws where offenders who hurt children are given no room in the penal system. Where our government dollars are spent largely on rehabilitating YOUNG offenders in order to prevent future crimes and future criminals. We have the ability to make children our future which seems to be an ongoing theme even for awareness oriented public service messages on education to name one of many. Canada is known as a peace keeping nation in other countries, lets take some time and focus a bit on our homeland. Your five year old will one day be a voter and have a family of their own to worry about. Protecting that child and thousands of others just like him/her is in our best interest. If we hadn't worried about the quality of life our children face than what exactly would Canada have been founded for? The Brits didn't come over for heck of it. Colonies were founded on the premise that this was and would continue to be a better quality of life for it's future generations. With populations growing world wide and land becoming a premium we don't exactly have the luxury of packing up and founding a new way of life on foreign, uncharted land. Let's make what we have truly the great way of life our ancestors envisioned for us. Let's start with our children.

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