So in every movie there is one neighbor who just cannot help themselves in the nosey dept. That would be me. Or at least mildly if not fanatically. I have been blessed with several neighbors and while for the most part they are great there are a few "questionables" (and who knows, I might be one of those)
My immediate neighbors are your typical neighbors on the outside. The one to the right of me is a single woman with her single dog living her carefree single life but with an older twist. That translates into her NOT partying every weekend which is fine by my family oriented standards.
The neighbors to the left of me are a mother and her daughter. Her rank is an Army Sgt. who is an absolute sweetheart. Her daughter???
What to say, the typical teenager who could do with a dose of reality and what adults do in the real world. Aside from that, completely normal. Now lets look at the neighborhood neighbors.
The single woman to the right of me that I mentioned earlier has a neighbor in the semi units beside our row house. They have two sons the eldest, a 15 year old boy who breaks into houses. How do I know this little tidbit? Well the single neighbor experienced it herself. Found her cell phone stolen and condoms that didn't belong to her lying about. Also found a healthy dose of child pornography on her computer. The military police came over, made a big 'do' of taking away her PC and looking stern. It was a good thing that 15 year old left stuff behind that incriminated him. Not that it did anything. The military police requested that he pay the money required to replace the phone and a letter of apology.
How does one apologise for something like that? Complete home invasion, used for god knows what purpose and to top it all off he was looking at child pornography. This is how it starts, frightening that the MP's have turned a blind eye to it and that no one else can step in locally because it occured on a military base.
The neighbors across the road are an interesting bunch. There are two families that I am most entertained by. One runs a home daycare through the Borden Family Resource Center and everyday these kids are running around and she is just SCREAMING at them. I babysit, but there is no way that I would yell like that especially at children who are not mine. But hey, when you go through the FRC on base here they are supposed to be doing check ups to make sure everything is just fine. I'm sure it is.....................................
The neighbors two houses over to the right across the street have a teenager as well. I don't know much about her except that she is having or really WANTS to have sex with her boyfriend. All day on the weekends and well into the night on week days she sits in front of their house making out with him. They go into these positions that had my daughter been outside with me at the time I would have been upset. He pins her to the wall while she wraps her legs around him....all the while grinding against one another.
And so you see.
The good, The bad, and the just plain ugly of the neighborhood. All observed from the confines of my own property.
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