Ahhh. Yes it is that time of year again folks. Christmas is an unusual event because like the way of most national holidays it seems to have gone completely Hallmark. Is Hallmark still in business?? If so than it should be very proud indeed. To have made a nick name for holidays that have lost all meaning except that shiny manic edge of commercialism. Christmas and Easter are two very fine examples although Christmas has been more thoroughly saturated than Easter.
There is a poster that aptly applies here when it comes to the celebration of Easter...for those who are easily offended avert your eyes...

Then of course there is the celebration of the birth of Christ at Christmas time. Was Christ born at Christmas?? Without having to do too much research lets leave that alone. Christmas just is not what it once was...hasn't been for awhile now and the more I walk into Wal-Mart looking for gifts for those I love, (or some other equally packed department store) I want to punch someone and wash my hands of the event. Do I have very little patience or anger issues? Hmm. That's for a different blog altogether I think.
Christmas is just for kids.
There is more truth in that today than we might want to think....parents or other family members scrambling to get the biggest, best thing that the child can demand. Once again the only thing I could think of doing is saying forget it. Remember, Santa only brings gifts to good little boys and girls. Does that mean good throughout the whole year?? Impossible. Santa would have a rather short drive on Christmas eve if that were the case. In fact, the whole conception of Santa Claus as we know him today is a product of Coca Cola. Round, red and jolly. Yes, commercialism at it's best. We buy the idea of the holiday though. We crave it. In fact aren't we all like black ravens?? Attracted to shiny glittery objects and lets face it, holidays gone commercial are the biggest gems of all.
In closing I will quote my mother, for all of her infinite wisdom and advice there is nothing more backward that made perfect sense. "Why pick it apart if it seems to be working? You don't have to enjoy it but don't ruin it for everyone else." Is there a word for a scrooge on every calender holiday that's scheduled? Cause right now, as I write this blog entry every one of those words just might possibly describe me.
Canadian Side Note:
Hi Canada...what the hell is boxing day about? I know. Do you?? Its give away the gifts you got at Christmas time that you didn't like, to the servants of the house. Wow. What a day with such deep felt meaning that the entire country felt the need to take the day off. We're not England, the historical "tradition" isn't even our own to uphold. So whats the deal??
Things to think about while having a merry Xmas. Ho ho ho.
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