Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cornell, Vedder making a comeback...common sense and real feeling in music?? NEVER!

Have you ever experienced that feeling inside where absolutely anything and everything is possible? A wondrous surge of adrenaline as you think about how and where to begin...Life can be like that sometimes. For me to feel this special feeling I only have to play one song only. This is the song that makes me feel like I could climb mountains and not have to catch my breath. Rise Up by Eddie Vedder. I can say with great regret it took my watching the movie Into the Wild before I knew that Vedder had even been producing music still. My days of pining for the sound of Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and other various groups having lessened and soon faded practically out in 1999. I forgot how it was to be moved by the deep resonating male voice leading the instruments as they create musically indepth masterpieces.

I have to give my due to the wonderfully talented singer, Chris Cornell who suddenly was alive for me again when that American Idol singer brought the spotlight back to him. Sure Audioslave had a good run but to be realistic he's much better on his own. Billie Jean? A great song that needed the twist that Cornell put to it. All of this is not new news to the music buffs out there, but I am far from a music obsessed individual, even when the teenage years were upon me I never reallly did go out of my way to find out much about the bands themselves. Music has the ability to move and...not move all the same. If it speaks to me than I like it. If it doesn't than it's a pleasant distraction from the silence while I drive my car. Most main stream radio can have that effect. Who knew how many times John Mayer said the same lyrics over and over in the same song until it was played twenty-five times a day?

But that's what most music is today right? The same over and over...can't be a song until you sing the same thing at the end of each verse, add a couple of those lyrical note jumping riffs and...well... there you go!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Planning for a wedding

So this is the beginning of a great deal of work. Not that I am adverse to the right capacity it can feel productive as opposed to tiring. Weddings are supposed to be a gathering of family to celebrate the union of two people. This has been a union a long time in the making cause the engagement period took long enough, let me tell you!
The idea of an engagement had first begun with Egyptians, a process created for the soul purpose of getting to know one another and ensuring compatibility.

You want me to sign a prenup?

Yes, a prenuptial agreement is not exactly new news folks. Its been around for a VERY long time indeed, doing the same job it was always meant to do: protect the interests of the parties involved. Going all the way back to the beginning of course it was a little broader in the scope of prenuptial agreement, at one time including the interests of the entire "clan".

Who's paying for this shindig?

On the banks of the Nile is where historically the groom would pay for his bride, then the grooms family would fit the bill for the celebration. Not true in all cultures throughout history, until recent years it was the brides family who would see to that tiny detail. Now, it's a scramble for not just the families of the bride and groom but the bride and grooms themselves to cover the cost. With the ever increasing industry that the business of weddings has become we are seeing prices soar with it. Shark fin soup anyone? It's all about presentation, preparation and execution. Showing family and friends a good time while impressing them thoroughly is the number one concern on any modern brides "to do" list. In many parts of Asia as well as the rest of the world a show of wealth is made by the menu. How so? As mentioned above shark fin soup is quite the rage. Never mind that the shark fin itself is completely tasteless and all you're eating is some broth with a bit of fin in's all about the cost. If mom really wants it and she's willing to pay for tradition at a premium dollar is there really anything to quibble about? Don't worry that sharks are destroyed for the soul purpose of their fins and thinning out dramatically in population. In the end it can be from shark fin soup to the finest delicacies made by an award winning chef, clout comes with the dollars attached to the event.

Parades to promenades...

Way back in the old country...wherever that old country might be it was a tradition to have a parade or celebration to show off the engaged or newly married couple. Imagine...strutting your stuff and waving like the Queen of England down the main street of a large city just cause your getting hitched finally. Well, no longer the style we have seen that tradition morph into something far more modern--the party. Yes, another party in a long line of parties to come...the big finale being the wedding reception itself. The engagement party, the stag and doe, the bridal shower, the bachelor party, the bachelorette party and finally the wedding. Did I miss any? Maybe. The point is, when your planning a wedding you undertake not just the main even but others as well...makes my head spin thinking about the organizational skills required to pull it all off successfully and without a hitch in the giddy up.

Planning a wedding can be a harrowing experience, for this reason I caution all young loves and couples with big plans for the future to pick carefully when assembling their wedding party. A good wedding party can make or break the wedding from the early stages of planning all the way to the execution. While the marriage can often turn into something you may want to forget, the celebration of that marriage should be something to remember!